Marlin’s Dreaming – Hello My Dear –
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Marlin’s Dreaming – Hello My Dear

Marlin’s Dreaming – Hello My Dear

Marlin’s Dreaming returns with “Hello My Dear,” a single that subtly shifts from their usual dreamy indie-pop to a more introspective, post-Britpop style. The song features frontman Semisi Ma’ia’i’s evocative vocals, delivering a melancholic narrative that feels both intimate and expansive. Ma’ia’i started the song with a few acoustic chords and verses, later expanded with the help of guitarist De Stevens. The lyrics and music capture the sense of change and the influence of moving from Dunedin to Auckland.

The song’s production is a delicate balance of acoustic strumming and whispered words, reminiscent of Jeff Buckley’s poignant style. The melancholy that pervades their music is even more pronounced here, making it one of their most somber yet beautiful pieces.

“Hello My Dear” explores themes of home, change, and the passage of time, enveloping listeners in a world of nostalgic reflection. The accompanying music video, directed by Ma’ia’i, enhances the song’s impact with its introspective visuals, featuring an artist lost in his thoughts.

Marlin’s Dreaming’s upcoming album, HIRL, promises to build on this new direction, marking a significant evolution in their sound.

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