Growing Stone – Spring in New York –
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Growing Stone – Spring in New York

Growing Stone – Spring in New York

Skylar Sarkis, known for leading Taking Meds, delves deep into personal and poignant territory with his solo project, Growing Stone. His new album, Death of a Momma’s Boy, is set to release this Friday (6/28) via Near Mint. The latest single, “Spring in New York,” showcases Sarkis’ ability to channel somber sentiments into moving music. This track, featuring his longtime friend Matt Battle on drums, encapsulates the essence of the album—vulnerable and raw.

“Spring in New York” stands out as Sarkis’ favorite track on the record, blending his singer/songwriter sensibilities with rich, introspective lyrics. Directed by Luke LeCount, the accompanying music video adds a visual layer to the song’s emotional depth. Sarkis explains that the song holds a special place for him, where personal sentiments find their true expression.

Growing Stone’s new album embraces influences from artists like Smog, Mount Eerie, and Sparklehorse, while maintaining a unique voice. The previously released singles “The Keep” and “No Substitute” hinted at the album’s introspective nature, and “Spring in New York” continues this theme, offering listeners a deeply personal and resonant experience.

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