Hayden Thorpe – They –
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Hayden Thorpe – They

Hayden Thorpe – They

Hayden Thorpe, former frontman of Wild Beasts, introduces his third solo album, Ness, set for release on September 27 via Domino Recording Co. Inspired by Robert Macfarlane’s book of the same name, Ness is a deeply atmospheric exploration of Suffolk’s Orford Ness, a former Ministry of Defence site now reclaimed by nature. The album’s lead single, “They,” captures the essence of this transformation, opening with a spoken word passage and evolving into a rich tapestry of bucolic instrumentation and skittering electronics.

Written after Thorpe’s visit to Orford Ness with Macfarlane, “They” reflects on the juxtaposition of historical weight and natural re-wilding. Thorpe describes the track as capturing the “lightness and looseness of a blue afternoon,” with interweaving polyrhythms and delays playing on the experience of time. This single is a promising taste of the full album, which promises to push musical boundaries with its blend of spiritual jazz, dub, experimental, and electronic soundscapes.

Ness is the follow-up to Thorpe’s previous solo efforts, Moondust For My Diamond and Diviner. The album was created in collaboration with Macfarlane and features orchestral arrangements by Propellor Ensemble, adding layers of depth and emotion to Thorpe’s introspective songwriting. The accompanying music video for “They,” co-directed by Thorpe and Andy King, visually encapsulates the haunting beauty and profound sense of place that the album aims to convey.

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